Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The List

Well, we got a lot accomplished at Diagon Alley yesterday. We managed to find almost all of my school supplies with the exception of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection"by Quentin Trimble. Flourish & Blotts says they just can't seem to keep them in stock these past few years. I guess I'll have to use the library's copy or share with my housemates.

I bought a new cage for Snowy, my owl at Eeylops Owl Emporium. Snowy was a gift from my father when I received my invitation to Hogwarts. I think my favorite part of the day was our visit to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Mr. Florean and dad talked for almost TWO hours. I didn't mind though, Mr. Florean makes a great ice cream sundae!

I had a chance to do some window shopping while we were waiting for Madam Malkin to finish my new robes, complete with name tags I might add! This secret pal package has me so excited. I can't wait to get started shopping for some special items for my pal like nice yarn for socks, knitting needles and stitch markers. I wonder what house she's in? Oooh, I hope she knits! I enjoy knitting so much I just assume everyone does!

I hope there is a nice big comfy chair in our common room! I hope there's a fireplace! I'm sure there's got to be a fireplace right? I can just picture myself and all my housemates sitting around the fire, in big comfy chairs knitting and talking about our day. It will be so nice to have girls my own age to talk to!

I plan to leave for Hogwarts on Monday! That will give me plenty of time to get unpacked, meet my housemates and maybe do some exploring around the school before classes begin on the 21st.

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