Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Halls are a BUZZ!

There are students EVERYWHERE here at Hogwart's. I can't believe how busy the halls are. Everyone is moving about saying hello to old friends and making new friends. We are all really excited for the new students to arrive later tonight and to be sorted. I'm sure the houses will fill up quickly. There definitely is not much room left in Ravenclaw dormitory or the Slytherin dormitory.

Has anyone noticed how many Emma's are in Ravenclaw this semester? WOW~I don't know how we are going to keep them all straight.

I think there may be something going on in the Great Hall at some point today so I'm going to keep checking in...maybe I'll be able to catch the Sorting Hat ceremony!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so good to see a familiar face here in the halls!

wonder if you can figure out who I am...because I know you...

Clidonia :)