Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Veela's

I'm pretty sure I have never mentioned this before because it is a topic I generally do not like to discuss, I am 1/2 Veela. My mother and Fleur Delacour's mother are sisters. My mother, Isabella was a very beautiful woman and my father became smitten with her the first time he met her. Theirs was truly a tale of forbidden love. My mother's parents did not approve of her relationship with my father, they forbid her to see him.

After graduating from Hogwarts my father spent as much time as he could along the south coast of France just to see my mother who was still a student at Beauxbatons. My parents were married in a small ceremony along the Mediterranean Coast. They then returned to Scotland and begin their life together.

It wasn't long before my mother received word that her father had taken ill and had requested her to return home to visit him on his death bed. My mother of course returned to see her father, but he was not sick, this was a cruel attempt to steal her away from my father and it worked.

I was born 8 months later, in France. My grandfather wanted no part of my father in his home and ordered my mother to send me to live with my father. My grandfather was a very hateful man and drove my mother to be institutionalized.

Having Fleur here at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament has been a bit strange for me. She and I have not acknowledged one another and I don't know that we ever will. When I mentioned her to my father he got a very distant look in his eye. He promised me that we would talk more about it, but now just wasn't the time.

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