Friday, June 27, 2008

Mischief Managed!

Well I did it! I managed to get my owl out to my very special friend Avada Axbraxam from Gryffindor. Snowy (my owl) is being trusted to make this flight even though she was a little slow with my last delivery.

I'm hoping that Avada receives her package by the July 11th deadline. Come on Snowy, don't let me down!

And of course, as usual I forgot to take a picture of the package before I sent it, I did take a picture of the bag though, but posting that now would ruin the surprise!

Stay tuned.


Cassandra Puddlemere said...

i can't wait to see your package!

Heather said...

What an Outstanding student you are! Or is that O for Overachiever? Glad everything went smoothly for you this round. I am forgetting which bag you went with this time?!?

Allitrya Spelling said...

Sounds cool! I'm making progress on your kit as well. I hope you like everything. =)

Bella Shacklebolt said...

Overachiever for sure! LOL Second verse, same as the first! : )